A Photography portfolio is a catalogue of photos of a particular model. A Model portfolio is like a resume for any model who is seeking for an opportunity. It’s a way of getting noticed and it is also called as a composite card. The portfolio consist of photos of the model who aspires to audition, the portfolio will show their modeling potential. The portfolio should consist of variety of photos in different locations and attires showing the model in different shades.
The model portfolio will consist of all the best shot photos of the model and it can be presented with a Model Book with Printed Photographs, or Digital Versions, send by email containing your modeling data and a link to a Social Media Profile or Page or even better a link to your own online model portfolio website.

Why is so important to a Model Portfolio?
A portfolio is very important for new faces as they showcase their modeling potential. The photos speak for you; hence the best shots should be placed. The photos should be grouped together and should have both close ups and long shots. A combination of close ups and body shots should make your portfolio. Regarding the type of photographs only high quality images need to be placed in your portfolio. There are no specific rules as such but try to keep the portfolio as professional as possible.

The main goal of a modeling portfolio is not only show your good looks but also show your ability to portray different characters. Any modeling agency for that fact looks at your photography portfolio before even meeting you in person hence a portfolio can make or break your career. The portfolio hence will act as a first impression of yourself as a model.

Chalo Garcia is a professional model portfolio photographer. Chalo has developed many new face modeling portfolios. If you would like to learn more or get started visit my photoshoot application.